To increase awareness and gain an understanding of community agencies and organizations within the Kosciusko County region and to address various needs in our community.
To develop and improve leadership abilities through involvement in a community service project.
Work in teams with three to five members.
Select and become actively involved in an approved project or event of an organization or agency.
Spend a minimum of ten hours (each team member) in service to your project.
Develop an outline identifying knowledge gained from your involvement.
Present an organized summary of your project to the other KYLA members and leaders.
All team members must present a portion of the summary.
To increase awareness and gain an understanding of community agencies and organizations within the Kosciusko County region and to address various needs in our community.
To develop and improve leadership abilities through involvement in a community service project.
Work in teams with three to five members.
Select and become actively involved in an approved project or event of an organization or agency.
Spend a minimum of ten hours (each team member) in service to your project.
Develop an outline identifying knowledge gained from your involvement.
Present an organized summary of your project to the other KYLA members and leaders.
All team members must present a portion of the summary.
It is the goal of the Kosciusko Youth Leadership Academy to provide a positive environment where aspiring high school students can learn the basics of leadership and experience various areas of our community such as law enforcement, healthcare, orthopedics, manufacturing, agriculture and service agencies.
The following are four goals of the Academy:
A graduation ceremony and dinner will be held in May. The intent of the evening is to honor the graduates and share with those attending some of the events of the year. In order to graduate from the Academy, students need to complete the following:
Attendance Policy
The following are four goals of the Academy:
- To educate and inform the future leaders through a comprehensive study of and exposure to the key support areas upon which our communities depend.
- Provide leadership training in order to produce effective future community leaders.
- Motivate Academy participants to volunteer for service in agencies and civic organizations that benefit our local communities.
- Provide an atmosphere where participants can create new friendships with students from other schools and create a network of contacts with local business and community leaders.
A graduation ceremony and dinner will be held in May. The intent of the evening is to honor the graduates and share with those attending some of the events of the year. In order to graduate from the Academy, students need to complete the following:
- Attend all curricular mandatory sessions.
- Complete a service project, known as Project Proud, which includes a minimum of 10 hours of community service.
- Give a presentation about their Project Proud to the other KYLA students, the KYLA board, parents and other guests. The date for this is April 16, 2025.
- Attend the graduation ceremony on the evening of May 7, 2025.
Attendance Policy
- Attendance at the morning curricular sessions is part of the requirements for graduation from Kosciusko Youth Leadership Academy. We know that emergencies and school commitments do come up and cannot be avoided in certain circumstances. In the case that you cannot attend a meeting, please give us as much notice as possible. For an absence to be excused, you need to communicate with the Moderator prior to your absence or at the latest, 24 hours before the meeting.
- Since there are only eight meetings during the year, if a student has more than two absences, the student will not be able to graduate from the academy.
- Official school delays or cancellations shall be considered excused absences.
KYLA has the following cancellation policy:
- Since the majority of the educational sessions are held in the Warsaw area, we follow the Warsaw Community School system’s cancellations.
- If Warsaw Schools are canceled, KYLA will be canceled. If there is only a Warsaw Schools delay, the KYLA session will be held at the regular time.